Thursday, March 29, 2012

So Pretty It Hurts

Bailey Weggins is a favorite character of mine. I have read every book that Kate White has written and still look forward to each installment. This mystery series is fast paced and fun with enough suspense thrown in to satisfy me. (I never can figure out who committed the crime. Sad, I know).

This latest book is another fast read. This time Bailey is dealing with commitment issues with her boyfriend, Beau. (Unfortunately it has been a while since my last Bailey Wiggins book and I just could not remember enough about their relationship or her previous boyfriend, Chris). Of course, Bailey finds herself in the middle of a murder. On a weekend away with a girlfriend, a model also staying at the same place turns up dead. Although it appears that she died from complications of her eating disorders, Bailey isn't so sure. There are enough questions that she feels like doing some investigating on her own. And, when she is the target of someone trying to sabotage her career at Buzz and she is removed from the case, Bailey is sure there is a cover-up going on.

I know that by book's end Bailey will have solved the crime and closure will occur. But I have a lot of fun reading these books. And I am always furiously turning pages to try and get to the end and have the crime solved.

1 comment:

Marce said...

The covers always draw my attention but I haven't read one, I think I should.