Saturday, December 10, 2011

Weekend Cooking

Weekend Cooking is hosted at Beth Fish Reads each Saturday.
This week I have finally had a chance to read Make The Bread, Buy The Butter: What You Should and Shouldn't Cook From Scratch - Over 120 Recipes for the Best Homemade Foods by Jennifer Reese.
While I am in no way equipped or wanting to make everything from scratch, I do realize the benefits of eating foods that are not processed and full of chemicals. Reese's book gave me some good ideas of foods I'd like to make on my own, and others that (even though they might taste better and be better for me) are just too time consuming to make (I'm thinking marshmallows).
Bread, pumpkin-chocolate chip muffins, pizza, and frostings are some of the recipes I have marked that I most want to try. Others would require me to find a bit more time or purchase a few supplies before I tested them.
In the midst of these recipes Reese shares information about her own life - as a mother, as a professional, and what has led her to this quest to test numerous recipes on her own. While "made from scratch" began as a belief she had, the many cooking experiences she has had, has led her to believe that "made from scratch" is truly a fact.
This book was entertaining, and while I have marked several pages, unfortunately my copy is from the library. Make Bread, Buy The Butter is one book that I would happily purchase because of the number of recipes and resources it holds.


Peaceful Reader said...

I think I should put this book on my wish list. It sounds like I would enjoy her philosophy! I have made homemade marshmallows-once.

Happy Weekend!

Beth F said...

I really need to order a copy of this. I have a similar cookbook I bought years ago called *Better Than Store Bought,* which I've used a lot. I like the idea of getting something more up to date.

TheBookGirl said...

I need to check this book out from the library -- I'm very curious to see which things she deems worthy of the time to make from scratch, and which not so much. Marshmallows are definitely something I would not try to do on my own, but I have tasted homemade ones that were quite good.

(Diane) bookchickdi said...

I've heard good things about this book. Thanks for the review.

Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

I love anything that urges people to make more of their meals from scratch (as easy as possible) than to purchase pre-made foods. I will most definitely be checking this book out!