In the past I have shared from time to time what my kids are reading - or what we are reading together. I haven't done that in a while, and it seems like I should, given that we are finally back in the groove of our nighttime reading before bed ritual.

My oldest daughter has read a variety of things lately. She will go from reading a book straight through, to picking one up only to be lured by something that seems more appealing, to abandoning the first only to return to it later. She also enjoys browsing catalogs before bed (it's too bad I am a major mail order person because we get tons of catalogs!). Lately Big Sister has read Smile and The Dork Diaries which are both quick, high interest reads. She also quickly read the Kanani books (2011's American Girls' doll).

Middle Sister, who is my child that is more interested in a variety of other activities besides reading received Twosomes: Love Poems from the Animal Kingdom by Marilyn Singe, a cute poem book for Valentine's Day. I was worried she wouldn't be very excited about it because it is so small in size. Yet, that is probably what makes it sooo cute. These little two line poems are just perfect for Middle Sister. She took it along to school that day, read it on the bus, had her teacher read it to the class, and then later shared it with my parents.

Little Sister is all about the book Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein. A Caldecott Honor book, I purchased it from a book order and have read and re-read it many times. Thankfully, it is short so re-reading it is not too terrible. And, it make me laugh every time, too. Being a princess-y type of girl, Little Sister is also thrilled with the DK Disney Princess Encyclopedia that she checked out. I think I will be ordering this one for the school library because I can see many of my girly-girls loving it!

For our bedtime reading, we are still reading a few picture books, but have also been working on Charlotte's Web. This is a re-read for my oldest daughters. However, Middle Sister was very young when we read it and doesn't really remember it. And, Little Sister picked it out as the chapter book she wants me to read to her. Sometimes it is hard to be the youngest child, always trying to keep up with older siblings. The other book that my oldest two girls are totally into is the Phyllis Reynolds Naylor series beginning with The Boys Start the War. Last night we finished the fifth book, A Traitor Among the Boys. Tonight we will begin book six, A Spy Among the Girls. I would have thought that by now I would need a break from these books, but I am quite enjoying them msyelf. The question now is what to do when we have read all nine. It's a good thing I have been jotting down book titles that I am hoping to get to at some point, so I know I won't be without ideas!
My daughter ADORES Smile!
I really enjoyed Smile! I've been wanting to read the Interrupting Chicken book. It sounds funny!
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