Monday, January 10, 2011

Just A Few Days Late, Right?

While I had in my mind which challenges I was planning on signing up for, taking the time to actually do that has not happened so much. I am currently participating in the Read From Your Shelves Challenge and the War Through the Generations Challenge. The third challenge I am just now joining is the E-Reader Challenge. I love my kindle. I do. But, by the time I read my library books, there is never enough time for kindle reading. I have many books on it now that I know I will enjoy. So, this year I want to make this more of a priority. The E-Reader Challenge is hosted by The Ladybug Reads. My goal is to read 12 e-books this year - only 1 per month- with the hopes that I start turning to that for some of my book selections, too.

1 comment:

La Coccinelle said...

Thanks for joining! Have fun!