Monday, December 13, 2010

I Am Number Four

Anytime I read fantasy I know I am totally out of my comfort zone. It is a genre I rarely read. This year I have tried to do a better job of checking out some of these books that I wouldn't normally pick up. I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore (aka James Frey of A Million Little Pieces fame)is a science fiction/fantasy novel that I actually rather enjoyed. First of all, it takes place on Earth, which is a plus for me. And even though the main characters happen to be from a different planet - Lorien - they appear as humans. They do have some special powers, or Legacies, that develop as they age, which didn't really bother me at all, and still seemed to fit into the story. John Smith (one of many aliases Number Four has used) and his keeper, Henri, are used to a life of moving around. They fled their planet, Lorien, when the Mogadorians defeated their people and took over their planet. The Mogadorians own planet had run out of resources, and they attacked Lorien to get what they needed. John and Henri appear as a normal father/son unit wherever they go as they try to keep a step ahead of the Mogadorians who are not only after them, but are trying to take over the Earth. In fact, many Mogadorians now inhabit the Earth, and it seems it is only a matter of time until Number Four is discovered. Paradise, Ohio, is John Smith and Henri's newest home. Even though there are several close calls, John resists moving on this time. He likes Paradise, and for once John has made friends, and has even found a girl he is interested in.

I Am Number Four ends with fast paced action. I raced through the last one hundred pages. And while much of it was unbelievable (I can totally see this one being made into a movie), I was still quite entertained by it. This is the first of what is intended to be a series. And while science fiction is not my genre of choice, I would willingly read a second installment.

Check out the website for this book.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

For some reason I can't get myself to want to read this because of the whole James Frey involvement. I've heard both good and bad reviews on it though, great review.