Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Salon

This past week has rushed right by, and I have no doubt that this coming week will be the same - or perhaps worse. My first contract day of school is August 16, and I have things I need to work on before then, final trips to the swimming pool, shopping trips, and a weekend trip for the family planned. And then, reality will hit me. I have to be on a schedule. Get up early. Go to bed early. Have meals planned out ahead of time. I do enjoy parts of this, but it is so hard to get used to.
Last week I managed to reconnect with my childhood penpal. The two of us wrote to each other from 1984 (I think) until we lost contact in 2001. I have searched for her before, and she has looked for me, but finally I found her on LinkedIn, and she then was able to find me on Facebook. I have loved looking at pictures of her and her family. Seriously, this has been such a thrill for me.

My reading is slowing down. I have more little cleaning projects I want to get done, things I want to organize, and that is taking the place of some free reading time.

My husband is on a five day kayaking trip to the Upper Peninsula. He has called a few times and is totally enjoying himself. I thought I could do some deep cleaning and surprise him when he returns, but I haven't been very successful yet.
Tonight as a treat I took the girls to Tokyo's, a Japanese Steak and Sushi Restaurant where they make the food right at your table. They were totally impressed with the big fire our server lit for us and loved the food. I feel a return trip in our future. I suggested this as a possible birthday party destination for my oldest daughter and two or three friends. She turns 9 on Sunday and we are trying to think of something unique to do instead of Chuck E. Cheese (which we have never done).


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I've had a penpal since I was about 10, and we still write a real letter with our holiday card each year (40+ years). Glad u found your friend again.

Suey said...

That's really cool about your penpal. I had several when I was a kid and have lost touch with them too. We used to do Christmas cards every year, but not even that anymore. Maybe I should check Facebook too!

Gnoe said...

Oh no! Just a week left of the holidays... poor you! Good luck with all the things you still want/need to do! :)

How cool that you took your girls to a Japanese restaurant last night!

Gnoe @ Graasland

Luanne said...

How neat to find a penpal after so much time has passed!~