Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday Five -on Saturday

I had such good intentions of participating in the Friday Five hosted by Kate at Kate's Library, but with school starting, working at the library on Saturday, and doing a last minute shopping trip to buy a birthday present for a party my oldest daughter was invited to today, I ran out of time. My other excuse is my own fault: lack of organization. I see and read a lot of great posts during the week, and will bookmark them if I remember to, or will write down the URL on a random piece of paper. When Friday rolls around and I want to share these great finds, I can't find them again! ARGH!
Here are some of the great things I've come across this past week:
1. As a librarian, I enjoyed reading the Huffington Post article sharing eleven famous librarians from movies. After looking through the list, I realize how very out of touch I am in this department. I rarely watch movies unless it is with my kids.
2.Here I have been trying to eliminate sugar from my diet - some days I do better than others- and have run across a yummy looking cookie recipe. Breakfast Cookies look like something my daughters and I would love to try out!
3. This is a fun game to play- at least for book lovers! See how many titles you can name by seeing a portion of the cover.
4. This article in the New York Times addresses how e-readers have once again made reading cool.
5. I'll be starting my library classes on Monday, and while the first few visits will be taken up with learning rules and routines, I have been looking ahead to find some new things to try. I am planning on reading The Strange Case of the Origami Yoda by Tom Anglebergerto my fifth graders, and found this great website about the book.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi! Great five - and great blog! You have a new follower! :)