Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Trixie Belden #2 - Childrens Classic Mystery Challenge

I'm not sure why I wait until I the second Tuesday of the month is almost upon us before I read another childrens mystery that were such a part of my childhood. I think about reading them often as the month goes on, but the TBR pile I have along with the enormous library stack just overwhelms me and I know that my Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden collections will always be around. So, this challenge is at least getting me to read one of these books each month, when before they would just continue to get pushed to the bottom of the pile.

This month I chose a Trixie Belden to read. Trixie, like Nancy, is a sleuth I was introduced to somewhere around the age of eight or nine. I bought my very first one on a vacation to Minneapolis one summer which is how I usually chose to spend my stash of money I saved up (I am sure I looked like a total nerd to my cousins who could have cared less about reading for pleasure). A few years ago I read the first Trixie Belden, and even though it wasn't fresh in my mind, I could still highlight the main idea of the book. I read the second book, The Red Trailer Mystery, which starts right where the first book left off. When I read the Trixie Belden books as a kid, I never read them in a particular order (what was I thinking? This would drive me crazy now!) and never knew the backstory about how Jim came to be adopted by the Wheelers. The first two books clear this up. These books are such a blast from the past, that even though I don't think they are particularly riveting, it is hard not to enjoy them as a part of my childhood. This month my daughter who has her own book blog, Reading Fever, started reading some of the mystery series I have been telling her about. Last night she was working on Encyclopedia Brown and she happened to notice my Trixie Belden book. It was interesting to see the look of recognition in her eyes as we both procrastinated until the last few days to dig out our books, and as she expressed her interest in one day reading a Trixie book on her own.
I'm not sure what mystery I will read next month. Earlier this month I read a post about Cherry Ames....right now the first four books are sitting in my cart on Amazon because I have never experienced a Cherry Ames book and wonder what I am missing. Hopefully I will be a little bit better about thinking and reading ahead.


Carrie said...

Oh I do hope you'll give Cherry a try. =)

In the meantime, I hear you about these books getting pushed to the bottom of the pile. They would for me too so I'm kinda relishing getting to be the staff writer conducting this challenge. It "forces" me to read all the books I want to revisit anyway.

Thanks for sharing your memories!

Stephanie Kay said...

I'm reading Trixie Belden now with my 6 year old. I read them as a kid and am enjoying them again with my son. :)